Wild Bastards Review: A Genre-Blending FPS Experience with Tactical Depth

You soon get the feeling that comparing a game to fine dining or fast food is an overused exercise. In the case of Wild Bastards, it simply calls to mind a great feast with just about everything you love on it all at once. Then, there is a good chance you may end up feeling dazed-but in the best possible way.

What is Wild Bastards?

Not a direct sequel to Blue Manchu’s 2019 game Void Bastards, Wild Bastards is, however, closely related to the former. It does not continue the story but implements some similarities from that title. Rather than being an obvious sequel, Wild Bastards leans into old-school first-person shooter (FPS) action with elements in Slay The Spire and tactical strategy. It brings the demanding, short-living FPS battles together with the demanding need to assemble and manage your team carefully; all this under the watchful eye of rebooting everything after each chapter. Despite all this chaos, it all comes together surprisingly well.

The Story and Setting

The game begins with two characters: Spider Rosa, four-armed demonic figure, and Casino, a robot with a twist of gambling. They flee from the evil Chaste family, but they sink their ship, and a legendary ship known as the Drifter rescues them, and it leads them into going on a quest to collect the life force of some fallen allies. Every chapter features traveling through space, fighting enemies in other planets, and reviving your fallen comrades for your team.

Gameplay Mechanics

In Wild Bastards, every point on the sector map corresponds to a planet with its various tribulations. You’ll proceed through branching maps stocked with pick-ups, stores, and battles. Battles are fast-paced FPS sections where you control different characters in “bunches” ranging from one to four. You can switch characters in battle, and each one has special abilities as well as roles that determine what he or she can and can’t do.

Character and Combat Details

If a character dies in battle, that person is out of commission until you revive them with a rare potion or travel to a new sector. You also will lose all equipment, money, and items you have collected if you lose a battle or travel to a new sector. There are many characters available, each with specific strengths and weaknesses. Judge, for instance, is a long-range shooter while Roswell offers rapid-fire support.

Tactical Depth and Strategy

This game has a lot of tactical depth. It would help if you paired your characters right, according to their strengths. For instance, some characters are special for combating certain enemies or by special abilities at the right moment. Characters also interact with each other, which can affect how they will perform during the battle.

Enemies and Challenges

In Wild Bastards, a diverse range of enemies is before the players’ eyes: from human-like figures to animals and even security robots; the behaviors and attack patterns are different for each kind of enemy. These different kinds of enemies, together with the unique skills of each character to handle them, add complexity as well as variety to the combat experience.

Problematic Issues and Critiques

While Wild Bastards offers much entertainment and diversity, it’s not without its problems. Sometimes, the battle does not have enough force or retaliative effect to counter the attacks of enemies. Poison, in particular, overpowers too much in early levels of the game, sometimes even to a frustrating degree, until one unlocks more characters. Difficulty levels seem inconsistent; Normal is too difficult too soon and easy to defeat.

Wild Bastards is, in a sense, a thrilling melange of genres: a cross between FPS actions, strategic planning, and roguelike elements all together in one cohesive experience. Sure, it may not be perfect in certain aspects, but when it comes to creativity and depth, it’s a game that’s unlike any other. If you enjoyed Void Bastards, you’d be interested in Wild Bastards as it’s an interesting evolution into a game with endless replayable, rich and varied gameplay.

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