12 Major Gods in Age of Mythology: Retold

Age of Mythology: Retold brings back the epic battles and divine powers that made the original a classic. If you’re ready to dive into the mythological mayhem, understanding the gods you can summon is key to your success. Each deity offers unique powers and strategic advantages, so knowing what they bring to the table can be a game-changer. Let’s break down the 12 major gods in Age of Mythology: Retold and show you how to harness their divine might!

The Greek Gods

The Greek Gods are the divine beings of ancient mythology, each with its own distinct powers, roles, and stories. These gods influenced the cosmos and human fate.

Zeus, the almighty. The ruler of all Gods.
Zeus: King of the Gods

Zeus is the quintessential god of strength and military prowess. His real advantage lies in empowering human soldiers, making them stronger and more resilient in combat. Instead of a “Lightning Storm,” Zeus offers players access to powerful myth units such as the Minotaur and Colossus, which dominate the battlefield. His favor generation is faster, allowing quicker access to these myth units. When you choose Zeus, you’re opting for an aggressive playstyle, excelling in direct confrontations and ensuring your armies hit hard and fast.

Poseidon: God of the Sea

Poseidon is all about mobility and versatility. While he doesn’t summon tsunamis, he does grant faster cavalry and cheaper docks, giving players a significant edge in naval warfare and faster expansions. Poseidon’s “Lure” ability summons animals near your town centre for early game food gathering, providing an economic boost. His naval units are formidable, and his myth units, like the Hydra, dominate sea-based maps. So, choose Poseidon to secure control of the seas and use his enhanced cavalry for rapid, effective land raids.

Hades: Lord of the Underworld

Hades emphasizes defence and long-term strategy. His primary ability is not summoning undead but fortifying your structures, making your defences nearly impenetrable. Hades also provides access to unique myth units like the Cerberus, a terrifying creature with devastating attack power. Additionally, when Hades’s soldiers die, they return as shades (ghostly units), which continue to fight, allowing for an unrelenting assault. This makes Hades the perfect choice for players who like to build strong, fortified positions and slowly chip away at their opponents.

The Egyptian Gods

The Egyptian Gods are the powerful deities of ancient Egypt. They embody the forces of nature and the afterlife, each with unique traits and responsibilities that govern both mortal and divine realms.

Isis, the most famous Egyptian Goddess.
Isis: The Goddess of Magic and Healing

Isis is known for empowering economic growth and offering defensive advantages. Instead of reviving units, her real benefit comes from reducing the cost of monuments and increasing the favour generation from them. Furthermore, Isis also provides protection by preventing enemy god powers from being cast within her influence, making her an excellent choice for players focused on consistent resource management and defence.

Ra: The Sun God

Ra focuses on economic superiority and building massive armies. He doesn’t unleash solar flares but significantly boosts villagers’ efficiency at farming, allowing for rapid growth in food production. Ra’s powers allow you to empower buildings, making them function more effectively, and his myth units bring divine might to the battlefield. So, he’s a cornerstone of the Egyptian civilization in the game.

Set: The God of Chaos

Set, in Age of Mythology: Retold thrives on disruption through control over wild animals, which he can convert to his side. His military style revolves around beast-based attacks, allowing players to unleash chaos by controlling and converting neutral creatures. Additionally, Set also receives benefits when scouting, giving players greater map control and insight into enemy movements. His chaotic nature disrupts opponents with waves of feral creatures.

The Norse Gods

The Norse Gods are the enigmatic figures of Norse mythology, from mighty Thor to cunning Loki, who inhabit a world of epic battles, ancient runes, and cosmic destinies, shaping the fate of gods and mortals alike.

Odin, the most powerful God in Norse Mythology.
Odin: The All-Father

Odin is a powerhouse for Norse players. His main benefit is a free line of sight from the Ravens, which scout the map for you. He also boosts your infantry’s abilities, allowing units like Ulfsarks to build faster and fight more effectively. With Odin on your side, you’ll also gain myth units like Valkyries, who heal your troops and be able to summon powerful heroes, giving you an edge in both exploration and combat.

Thor: The Thunder God

Thor is all about empowering Norse players with unmatched strength. His main advantage is that Dwarves gather resources faster, giving you an economic edge. Thor also grants access to the powerful Portable Rams, which are incredibly effective at destroying enemy buildings. On top of that, his myth units include the destructive Frost Giants, capable of freezing enemy units, giving you time to control the battle. With Thor’s blessings, your armies hit hard, and your economy thrives, ensuring you dominate both the battlefield and resource game.

Loki: The Trickster God

Loki thrives on chaos and deception, making him a master of guerrilla warfare. Instead of relying on traditional armies, Loki rewards players by summoning myth units directly in battle, bypassing the need for myth unit production. His unique ability allows Hersirs to spawn myth units during combat, adding an element of unpredictability in Age of Mythology: Retold. Loki also excels in stealth with myth units like the Nidhogg, a powerful dragon that can devastate enemy forces. Furthermore, with Loki’s unpredictable strategies, you can overwhelm your foes with relentless surprise attacks.

The Atlantean Gods

The Atlantean Gods are the ancient deities of Atlantis, embodying primordial forces like time, space, and creation, offering a balance of cosmic wisdom and destructive power that shapes the destiny of the Atlantean people.

Kronos, the leader of the first generation of Titans.
Oranos: The Sky God

Oranos grants players unmatched mobility and strategic flexibility. His unique power allows players to teleport their buildings across the map, letting them expand rapidly or relocate bases to strategic locations. Additionally, Oranos enhances the speed of Atlantean units, making them faster and more agile in both attack and retreat. His god power, “Shockwave,” can disrupt enemy forces by knocking them back, creating chaos and breaking formations. Moreover, with Oranos’s control over time and space, you can outmanoeuvre your opponents and dominate the battlefield with superior tactics.

Kronos: The Titan of Time

Kronos offers players the ability to manipulate the battlefield through time-based strategies. Instead of using traditional resource costs, Kronos can shift buildings across the map, relocating them instantly to gain a strategic edge. This flexibility allows for swift expansion or unexpected assaults. His god power, “Deconstruction,” lets him temporarily dismantle enemy buildings, delaying their production and weakening their defences. With Kronos’s mastery over time, you’ll be able to disrupt your opponent’s plans and control the battlefield with precision.

Gaia: The Earth Mother

Gaia provides players with unique defensive advantages. Her influence prevents enemy buildings from regenerating health within her territory, making it harder for opponents to establish a stronghold. Additionally, her buildings regenerate health over time without the need for repairs, ensuring a resilient base. Gaia’s units also leave behind lush terrain, slowing down enemy forces and offering a strategic edge in ground battles. Harness Gaia’s connection to nature to create a fortified defence and slowly wear down your enemies.


Age of Mythology: Retold was released on 4th September, and it’s turning up the heat with the return of 12 major gods, each packing their divine arsenal of powers and strategic perks. Imagine Zeus unleashing thunderbolts with a flick of his wrist or Loki weaving chaos with his devious illusions—each god offers a unique playstyle that can totally flip the script in your favor.

Now, as you know, the 12 major Gods in Age of Mythology: Retold, gear up with their celestial might, and you’ll be set to conquer the mythological realms like never before. Get ready to wield the gods’ powers and make your mark in this epic showdown!

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